FMF episode XI – submissions closed
Filmmakers Feedback is part of the Film Scoring Tips labs. Make sure you check the other series out and help us shaping our future content.
David O’Reilly

Our guest for episode XI is filmmaker David O’Reilly (Kubrick By Candlelight).
Episode VIII – scene assignment
Would you like to have our guest assess your music during the episode? Check out this month’s assignment and submit your track using the form you can find further down.

Watch the clip selected by David from his film “Kubrick By Candlelight” and find the instructions to submit your track below.
You can download a copy of the above video here:!JIEXyIBD!vxwdv4s9QTHYBufKO1LwFs2Hx-MsywWCe8tzJR4CXxA
David asked us to share the following instructions: What I was looking for in this scene is a sense of foreboding which explodes in to a barn storming amateur, messy fight between two love rivals, the culmination of much pent up aggression. The brief to the actors on the day was Hugh Grant and Colin Firth fighting in Bridget Jones Diary. The brief to the composer was music used in the fight in The Quiet Man. Remember this is a light hearted romantic comedy (with about 90 Kubrick references), set behind the scenes of Kubrick’s filming of Barry Lyndon in Ireland in 1973.
A few recommendations

We kindly ask you to submit music you specifically create for this episode. Anything that we deem to be out of context will not be considered.
The submission form also serves as a legally binding license assignment document. Therefore we kindly ask to only submit music you own in its entirety. However we only ask for a non-exclusive license, meaning you will still be able to use the music on other projects.
The file format must be MP3 and the file-size must be under 5MB. In case you come up with a larger file-size please re-compress it using a lower bitrate. To make sure we’ll sync your music correctly please include the sync pop that you can hear on the number “2” of the initial countdown (at timecode 00:59:58:00), and the one at the end.

Please submit your track by Thursday March 5 at 11:59PM (GMT).
Submit your music here

Please use the form below to submit your music:
If the form should not work with your device/browser please use this page instead.
Good luck

We will only play a few submissions during the show and we will assess tracks in the order they are submitted. Thus we advice submitting your track as soon as possible. Good luck!