SYM – Showcase Your Music – Episode 01
Welcome on the first episode of Film Scoring Tips’ series where you can showcase your music. Every month we will open submission of tracks (max 1 per person) inspired by a specified film genre. If you’d like to participate to the next episodes be sure you check this page for detailed instructions.
Curated by…

Hi, Giovanni Rotondo here. I am Film Scoring Tips creator and Editor In Chief. I am curating the first episode/s for a few reasons. First of all I am using it a bit as a beta testing for the whole series. Understanding how to best advertise and implement the submission phase, and defining the criteria for selection. On that note I have decided to select my favourite 5 tracks to showcase here. Why? Because 5 is my favourite number and I feel it will make it an enjoyable piece of content for our readers.
As for specific criteria for selection I’ll will take into consideration the following aspects:
On topic
One of the reasons not to pick a piece (as good as it might be) is when the submission is blatantly off topic. Please stick to topic and be reassured we’ll try to touch many many genres in the months to come.
I won’t take in consideration works that sounds derivative or “soundalikes”. In fact, I’ll strongly lean towards music that feels fresh and new and original.
Production quality
I do tend to notice the overall production quality of a track, especially the lack thereof. I like music that sounds natural and human, even if it is completely computer-generated.
Community sportsmanship
I will give priority to those who upon submitting their tracks also commented words of encouragement to other participants. This is something that is mentioned in the guidelines and will be a constant criterion of selection.
My main reason to pick one piece over another is whether or not it gives me shivers. If I feel it in my heart it’s a winner!
Less is more when more is too much
Sometimes I come across music that is over-orchestrated, over-mixed or relies too heavily on effects. In such instances my ears tend to get tired real soon. As a result I’ll probably skip to the next submission after a few seconds. My advice is always to keep things simple, especially when in doubt.
Episode 01 – Epic Fantasy

This episode’s genre is Epic Fantasy. The above picture was shown to all participant and should help you understand the reasons why they have chosen which track to upload. Let’s dive into my favourite 5 pieces in order of submission:
A New Land To Conquer – Mathieu Duguay
Good use of synth instruments. Good production quality. Nice development. Favourite moment: 01:00
Chronos – Vincent Zaalberg
Nice start, light and mysterious. Good buildup. I like the fact that the title is reflected in the clock-like sounds. Vincent also actively participated in the conversation during the submission window. Favourite moment: 00:59
Landscape – Basia Krol
Lovely violin and voice layers. Awesome Celtic sound. Honest production quality. Favourite moment: 00:30
Amethys – Giacomo Rita
Nice coloristic orchestration. Even if repetitive in nature it features great variations/layering that makes it feel interesting to the end. Favourite moment: 00:21
Crossing the Return Threshold – Melvin Tsui
Refreshing use of synths. Very well blended with orchestral elements. Good development and production quality. Favourite moment 00:16
Bonus track: Endless Horizon – Shie Rozow
I am grateful to my good friend and exceptional guest author Shie Rozow for submitting a track to this episode. Shie has credits as a composer on many feature films, TV shows and documentaries. His music has won him awards and nominations at renowned festivals and competitions.
I really like this track and feel its positive energy is the perfect note to conclude episode one of SYM – Showcase Your Music.
Thanks everyone for participating. If your track has not been selected please don’t take it personally and persevere, for only the ones that never give up have a chance to be tomorrow’s great composers!
Awesome entries! High quality compositions, arrangements, mixes.
Great web series Giovanni Rotondo. Thank you for having me.