Podcast Episode 11 – David O’ Reilly – Filmmakers Feedback
Episode 11 is out! Since we recorded it before any of the COVID-19 madness, you can enjoy a new shiny episode filmed in studio.
Filmmakers Feedback is a revolutionary podcast featuring interviews with outstanding directors and producers providing you with focused tips and guidance.
Episode 11’s guest is an amazing filmmaker, his name is David O’Reilly. David’s credit list is definitely one that leaves speechless, having work on films such as Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker, Rogue One, The Dark Knight Rises, Inception, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban just to name a few…

In this episode filmmaker David O’Reilly and I will discuss how social media helps composers break networking barriers and build a continuative relationship with producers and directors in a subtle and organic way.

David also shared an excerpt from his short film with the music track muted. This gave the opportunity to some of our readers to create a bespoke score that we reviewed during the episode. We listen to scores submitted by composers Julia Lesnichy, Jake C “Jabbu” and Chris Penn.
Everything mentioned above is just the tip of the iceberg. Make sure you check the whole episode out to get plenty of useful tips! You can do so in 3 ways:
- by listening to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and all the other major platforms.
- by watching the video version of the show on YouTube.
- by playing it from this page directly, audio and video embeds below.
Make sure you submit your music for the upcoming episodes and ask our next guests your questions using the “SEND VOICE MESSAGE” button on Anchor.

Lastly I have a favour to ask: this is a very young podcast and it needs your help to reach a large audience. Please subscribe and share this page or direct links to the episodes with your friends and colleagues.
We are also developing more podcast shows for you to enjoy. In order to make producing them sustainable we launched an awesome Patreon subscription model. By becoming a subscriber you’d enable us to expand and will get amazing content in return (like entire films to score and legally use however you want). All the details are here along with a free scene available to everyone!

Next episode coming up in June…