FMF episode II – submissions closed
Submissions for this episode are now closed. Please check this page to find out if submissions are open for coming episodes.
Filmmakers Feedback is one of the new Film Scoring Tips Labs series. Make sure you check them out and help us shaping them.
Fraser Brown
Our guest for episode II is film producer Fraser Brown (Orphans & Kingdoms, McLaren, Born Racer).

Episode II – script scene

Please read the following scene and the brief provided by Fraser Brown:
A commercial wharf in Reykjavik harbour. Spring. A large fishing vessel is on the dry dock being repaired. In the distance the ominous, snow covered cliffs of Videy island.
A WELDER on the ship casts a flickering light.
A massive winch is being craned through the air. Two WORKERS steer it with ropes, toward a large hole in the ship’s deck.
Kristinn, drinking coffee, examines a set of structural diagrams. He looks up as the winch eases down.
How we doing Kristinn?
Kristinn’s phone rings.
The workers strain to guide the winch. Kristinn motions left with his hand, then answers the phone.
We can’t hear Kristinn’s conversation, but after a beat his face twitches, and his eyes close, and then the phone and the coffee tumble from his hands.
Kristinn collapses to his knees. The winch slams into the hole, the welder stops and flicks his mask up.
Kristinn tips his head up to the pale sky; pain.
We pull back, Kristinn is small on the huge ship.
I’m interested in the initial creative response from the composer based on how the scene, or moments within the scenes, makes them feel. I’m not looking for a polished score for the scene as that needs to come from a collaboration. Track length max 1m30s.
A few recommendations

We kindly ask you to submit music you specifically create for this episode. Anything that we deem to be out of context will not be considered.
The submission form also serves as a legally binding license assignment document. Therefore we kindly ask to only submit music you own in its entirety. However we only ask for a non-exclusive license, meaning you will still be able to use the music on other projects.
The file format must be MP3 and the file-size must be under 5MB. In case you come up with a larger file-size please re-compress it using a lower bitrate.

Please submit your track by Wednesday May 23 at 11:59PM (BST).
Submit your music here

Please use the form below to submit your music:
If the form should not work with your device/browser please use this page instead.
Good luck

We expect to receive a large number of submissions, therefore we can’t guarantee we will assess all the tracks submitted over the span of the related episode. We will assess tracks in the order they are submitted. Thus we advice submitting your track as soon as possible. Good luck!